Page 5 - Award Recipients
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Award Recipients

          Hack@10 2023, organised by PRO-C   Jelajah Bijak Wang 2023/2024,        Poetry Category
          and CLICQ clubs with the support   organised by the Life Insurance      Honorable Mention Award
          of Universiti Tenaga Nasional     Association of Malaysia (LIAM)        Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Chinese
          (UNITEN) College of Computing and   and Credit Counselling and Debt     Studies
          Informatics                       Management Agency (AKPK), in          Lim Si Ying
                                            collaboration with Universiti Putra
            Second Runner-up                Malaysia (UPM)                     10th USM Chinese Literature Award
            Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic                              by the Chinese Society
            Engineering with Honours           Second Place
            Khor Yin Loon Grad.Eng.            Bachelor of Business Administration   Prose Category
                                               (Honours) in Logistics and Supply   Excellent Award
            Bachelor of Mechatronics           Chain Management                   Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Chinese
            Engineering with Honours           Beh Jie Hong                       Studies
            Benjy Yeoh Wei Xiang Grad.Eng.                                        Lim Si Ying
            Wang Wei Ding Grad.Eng.            Bachelor of Finance (Honours)
                                               Beh Jie Ying                       Honorable Mention Award
          Malaysian Actuarial Student          Goon Tsu Ying                      Master of Arts (Chinese Studies)
          Association (MASA) X Taylor’s        Tai Yee Ling                       Kim Rui Yu
          University Actuarial Science Club    Wong Kang Jun
          (TUASC) Hackathon 2024                                               Glamour International Ballroom
                                            YglWorld’s Logo Design Competition  Dance Championship 2024,
            Champion                                                           organised by the Sky Dance Studio
            Bachelor of Science (Honours)      Winners
            Actuarial Science                  Bachelor of Communication          Latin Amateur Open Category
            Chin Jun Hao                       (Honours) Advertising              Silver
            Chong Ren Hao                      Chan Ying Hui                      Foundation in Arts
            Henry Tan Tze Heng                 Chin Kah Yean                      Chen Yu Jia
            Lim Heng Wang                      Clarice Kok Zi Ying
            Patrick Lai Tze Hoe                                                Penang International Dance
                                            19th National Varsity Chinese      Championship 2024, organised by
          rawSEC rENTAS CTF 2024, organised   Debating Championship - Quarter   the D’dancer Station
          by rawSEC, in collaboration with   Final, organised by Universiti Malaya
          Gemas Lestari Sdn Bhd and         (UM)                                  Latin Amateur SEA Closed
          EliteGhost Malaysia                                                     Category
                                               Best Debater                       Silver
            Second Place                       Foundation in Arts                 Foundation in Arts
            Bachelor of Computer Science       Chee Tian Le                       Chen Yu Jia
            Lee Wei Song                    Chinese Debate World Cup Malaysia     Latin Amateur Open Category
            Tan Sin Chee                    Division 2024, organised by           Bronze
                                            Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)       Foundation in Arts
            Bachelor of Information Technology                                    Chen Yu Jia
            (Honours) Communications and       Top 16 Winners
            Networking                         Foundation in Arts              3rd Malaysian Medalist Dancesport
            Ang Boon Keat                      Chee Tian Le                    Grandprix 2024, organised by WL
                                            10th UPSI Chinese Literature Award
                                            by the Chinese Literature Week        Latin Amateur Open Category
                                            Committee                             Gold
                                                                                  Foundation in Arts
                                               Short Story Category               Chen Yu Jia
                                               Excellent Award
                                               Master of Chinese Studies
                                               Eva Lim Yejune
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